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Hannah Duckworth - "Stay Quiet"

Seattle-based artist Hannah Duckworth’s debut pop-punk single, “Stay Quiet,” strikes a chord with its dramatic (on purpose) recount of being in an unhealthy relationship and finally saying what needs to be said.

With pop-punk thankfully becoming more prevalent again in recent years, Hannah Duckworth is unquestionably a notable addition to the genre’s revival. Along with many others, we loved the angst-filled songs of the 2000s, and “Stay Quiet” brings us right back to those days. Even with the distinct nostalgia, this track feels current and fresh.

While the overall sound initially caught our attention, we were quickly pulled in by Hannah’s incredibly well-written lyrics. She explains, “I wanted to tell the story of a relationship where there was a lot of hidden drama, both to the outside world and between the antagonist and protagonist of the song.The pain behind her words feels like it’s trying break through the mask of indifference it has been wearing for too long:

Get off

Feeling that you’ll never be caught

I’m the only one who cries

But we don’t talk about it

We stay quiet

“Stay Quiet” illustrates an experience that will be relatable to many. The arrangement and production, while sonically fun and upbeat, really ties into the intention behind the track which is to convey how people hold in their emotions for whatever reason and how they often pretend negative events didn’t happen. This is the perfect song to listen to if you’ve been in a similar situation and want to get all of those feelings out. Hannah says listeners, “might just find themselves moshing around their bedroom or head banging in the car.”

We are beyond excited to continue following Hannah Duckworth’s journey as she helps to shape this new era of pop-punk music. Be sure to follow her at the links below to stay updated!

Alex Kilgore, Untold Music Promotion

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